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Physical books vs Online reading

I've been interested lately in what changes might be going on in our brains when we read online. It turns out there are a number of others interested in the same thing ... including neuroscientists. Apparently there are some new circuits being created when we read online ... circuits that allow us to quickly scan text for interest, rather than reading in a linear fashion. This sounds fine ... what's better than additional circuits in our underused brains ... but it turns out that if we don't also read books, we lose some of the ability to comprehend whole sentences and paragraphs, rather than "sound bites," and have to relearn to use those old circuits after a certain number of hours spent online reading. One of the examples given, and I'll find the links and post them here, said that college students who only read online were actually unable to read more complicated text such as Joyce and Henry James. Hmmmm ... t.